Selina Publication Solutions- Chapter 32 Perimeter And Area Of Plane Figures – 6th ICSE Board
In this chapter of Perimeter And Area Of Plane Figures, we will understand the concepts of Consolidating the sense of Drawing of a line segment ,perpendicular bisector etc.
- Concept of perimeter and introduction to area
- Introduction and general understanding of perimeter using many shapes .
- Shapes of different kinds with the same perimeter.
- Concept of units from smaller to larger and vice- versa
- Counter examples to different mis-concepts related to perimeter and area.
- Perimeter of a rectangle and its special case – a square.
- Deducing the formula of the perimeter fo a rectangle and then a square through pattern and generatisation.
- Perimeter And Area Of Plane Figures
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Concise Maths ICSE Class-6 Solutions Selina Publishers Chapter-wise . Step by step Solutions of Selina Publishers by R K Bansal Concise Mathematics ICSE Class 6. Concise Maths has been solved by expert team of for Selina Publication.